Tuesday, April 20, 2010

How I never put on more than 10 pounds during each of my two pregnancies!

Hello! Welcome to my blog! I am 32, a stay at home mom, and mother to two beautiful daughters - aged 16 months and 4 months! Close together, right? Well, I wanted to have my kids close, so they could be more like friends, and have each one from the very beginning! I also intend to go back to work in an year or so, and the idea of taking another break a few years later simply didn't appeal to me. So here I am, blessed with two angels, and looking fit and fine as if I never had kids in the first place!

Let me tell you more about myself. I weigh 120 lbs, and stand 5'4'' tall. During each of my pregnancies, I put on only 10 lbs, and I promptly lost them soon after delivery - one month of delivery, to be precise.

Before I even planned my first kid, my major concern was the weight gain that is traditionally associated with pregnancy. I was ready to live with the fact that I would gain pounds during pregnancy, but I wanted to make sure that once I delivered, I would return to my pre-pregnancy weight soon enough. And the increasingly large number of new mothers I talked to, I found that losing weight after delivery is an UPHILL task! Most of them had no trouble losing the first few pounds, but then, childcare took its toll and their bodies began to become storehouses of fat! They appeared fat, with no curves whatsoever, sagging breasts and in short, a picture not presentable at all! That is when I wondered, if it is so much trouble to lose weight, can there not a be a way whereby I don't put on weight in the first place?

After all, the obese people are always advised to watch their eating and exercise routine from the beginning, in order to avoid putting on weight. And almost all of them have real trouble losing weight, no matter what route they take. So, I started searching for a strategy that would help me keep my weight under control all through my pregnancy, while ensuring optimum nutrition for my baby and general good health for myself. Basically, I aimed to Stay Slim During Pregnancy!

I finally found this! Pregnancy Without Pounds after a lot of searching around, and believe me, I was so glad! Her system needed no regular gym membership or fad diet program, in fact, I could implement it by making small, constructive changes to my lifestyle, from the comfort of my home! I did not need to stick to a tiring, boring exercise routine, or record every bit I ate. All that was needed was a healthy eating pattern, coupled with just half an hour, yes, just half an hour of gentle, easy exercises!

I am not a marketer or something, just a stay at home mom, who tried this program and found IT WORKS! The proof is my own personal experience, whereby I stayed within 130 lbs all my pregnancy, and returned to 120 lbs within a week of delivery. At each visit to my ob/gyn's office, I enjoyed envious glances from all the waiting patients, and loved the way I could carry myself around with grace and confidence! I had no excess fat taped on to my body, just my belly (which had my bundle of joy within!). Check out Stay Slim During Pregnancy now!

I would also mention here that I delivered both my babies naturally, vaginally, without ANY PAIN MEDICATIONS! Yes, I declined any medication, and my labor was smooth, short, and relatively pain free! It took me 3 hrs after my water broke to deliver my baby, and I requested to be sent home the same evening! (I delivered in the morning). Throughout my pregnancy, I did all the household chores, cooked food and did the laundry, with no lack of energy or exhaustion at all, and I thoroughly enjoyed it!

What helped me in achieving this was the e-course entitled Pregnancy Without Pounds, and trust me, it really lives up to its name! Its creator is one of the leading online pregnancy experts, and her course has helped lots of women stay in shape during pregnancy! Check out her stuff at  Pregnancy Without Pounds

Contrary to the popular belief, you need to eat only an additional 100-300 calories per day to provide for the developing baby - NOT EATING FOR TWO! The baby draws most of its nutrients from the mother, and even by common logic, if you merely compare your body size to that of Stay Slim During Pregnancy your infant, you would quickly get the picture - after all, how much CAN the baby consume? Is it the equivalent of an adult's intake? No, right? Then why do we feel the need to stuff ourselves with almost double our pre-pregnancy diets! We simply need to make sure that our diet is well balanced, and that we eat at regular intervals, not in fits and starts so that the body has a steady stream of energy to cope with the pregnancy.

Another point that cannot be stressed enough is adequate exercise. You do not need to join a gym or a hyped up "Pregnancy workshop". Simple, easy to accomplish exercises like short walks, simple stretches and relaxation techniques go a long way in maintaining a healthy body weight. Check out Michelle's tips at Pregnancy Without Pounds

Today, we have automated our chores to an extent that we have practically no exercising involved in our daily routines! Earlier, women did simple household chores like washing dishes, mopping the floor, dusting and light laundry, which not only provided exercise, but also helped keep the body young and supple, by incorporating stretching one group of muscles and then another, as the chores changed. This ensured optimum blood circulation while avoiding undue strain on any one part of the body.

But even today, there are various simple, safe and effective exercises that can be done in the comfort of your home to compensate for the lack of formal exercise routine. These involve frequent, short walks during the day, correct posture, light stretching and some yoga to help relax the joints and muscles. These small steps go a long way to ensure you Stay Slim During Pregnancy, thus avoiding the trouble later on!

What's best, her course is totally risk-free! She extends a 60 day guarantee, and if for any reason you find that the course does not work for you (which I am sure will never be the case), simply let her know and she will return your money in full! No questions asked! Enrol today at Stay Slim During Pregnancy

I strongly feel that every pregnant lady should check this out: Stay slim During Pregnancy for a healthy, happy and fulfilling pregnancy. Have a great day! Thanks for stopping by!

1 comment:

  1. I think this is awesome how you are posting out here how you were able to stay slim. Some people just have this amazing ability to just shed off the pounds during and after and I think its crazy!!! Eating healthy for yourself and the baby is very important. The more you relax and find your inner peace I felt helped a lot too. There are so many ways to stay positive and I think the first way is to focus on the baby and the babies health and then it flows over you :) Here is my site if you want to learn more on how I stayed slim during my 1st pregnancy. http://1ba528ugfbrdtuhaw9qcrdy850.hop.clickbank.net/
